Jack's Keeper

Jul 13, 2009 19:15

Title: Jack's Keeper
Author: cielo_claro
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer
Summary: Jack takes care of everyone, so someone's got to take care of Jack.
Disclaimer: Lost is property of ABC. I am in no way claiming ownership of any characters involved. I intend to receive no monetary benefit from this work and intend no copyright infringement.
Notes: For Queen invisiblelove, whose request included Jack/Sawyer, and fluff. I tried to go post-island, but that just turned angsty, so trying this again...

This is so self indulgence and fluffy I sort of can't stand to look at it anymore...

>Jack's Keeper

It was dark and the camp was winding down. Charlie and Claire had put the baby down, which was usually the universal signal for bedtime. Of course, Jack wouldn't know that. If he had his way, Jack would be up all night checking on people, organizing rescue parties and exploratory missions, or whatever else it was that needed to be done. Sawyer, however, would not allow for this.

"Well hey there, darlin'," Sawyer said, plopping down next to Jack, who had been deep in conversation with Sun and Jin. "Why don't you leave Sunshine and Jin-Bo here alone, and come to bed?" He continued, making a show of putting his arm around Jack's shoulders.

"I'll be done in a minute, Sawyer." Jack waved a dismissive hand in his direction, but did not shrug off Sawyer's touch. Sawyer smiled at that, knowing he had already won the argument.

"Now, now, I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Kwon want nothing more than to scurry off to bed, and here you are, holding them up with all your chitter chatter. Nobody's going to die between now and tomorrow morning, Sunshine will still be here, pregnant as ever, and I'm sure Papa-san will be fine too."

Jack looked like he might've had half a mind to protest, but Sun spoke up first, "Sawyer's right, it is getting late, and it has been a long day for all of us. Jin and I will be fine, we can all talk again tomorrow." She gave Sawyer a shy smile before tugging her husband away, whispering rapidly in Korean.

And as soon as the coast was clear, Jack turned to putty in his hands, his weight suddenly coming to rest against Sawyer's shoulder, his eyelids beginning to droop. This was what Sawyer loved. The whole camp got their share of Jack all day, Doctor Jack, Leader Jack, Hero Jack, but at the end of the day he was the only one who got just plain Jack, without all that shit he put out.

"Sleepy?" Sawyer asked, giving his grip on Jack a firm squeeze.

"Maybe." Jack yawned, his eyes completely closed by then.

"C'mon, baby," Sawyer said, pulling Jack roughly to his feet, "even martyrs have to get to sleep sometime."

He walked Jack back to his tent, keeping a hold on his waist as they went. Jack didn't seem to mind, being that he was only a few steps above sleepwalking as it was. They undressed in comfortable silence, only broken when they both crawled beneath a single blanket and Sawyer wrapped his arms tightly around Jack's middle, to which Jack could only make small, contented noises.

"Need to take better care of yourself, Doc," Sawyer said against Jack's bare shoulder, "These people here need you."

"Saw-yer," Jack whined.

Sawyer just smiled and pressed his lips to Jack's skin, "Go to sleep, Jackass."

what the fuck? aka this is my lost tag, fic, may cause pancreatic failure, for the lostsquee luau 2009, jack/sawyer

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