Episode 10

Sep 04, 2010 23:19

Aftermath, thoughts...hmmm

I was RIGHT about Hannah
at least I was right about one part. She is Luka's contractor. NOW how is Claude part of this? So is she the mastermind. Honestly, as much as I adore how Hannah plays a big part in this. I don't want her to be the BIG BAD ya know. It's slightly anti-climatic for me.

And yes a roller coaster episode.

Claude oh Claude. I guess everyone has said all we need to say about him. Though he's not as scary as episode 9. After being fanboy over Ciel and being childish with Sebastian. Well I have to slightly admit.. I'm slightly disappointed he's not as scary but hmmm he is entertaining nows. Maybe coz Ciel don't really bother about Claude. Ciel is a very STRONG soul, even thought he's been brainwashed. I'm glad he didn't turn Alois-like to Claude. I'll be super disturbed and Sebastian will probably NUKE the whole mansion or the country if Claude does inappropriate things to his Bocchan *swt*

SEBASTIAN. WHATSWITHEDWARDSPARKLES. LOL but it was so hilarious. Sebastian you are a horrible tease. You shall be PUNISHED SOON! I do like suffering Grell. Grell was a super awesome comic relief btw. I was laughing my heads off.

The triplets are cute but I don't miss them as much as everybody else. Okay maybe a little bit more than I thought hehe.

Alois' eye in Hannah's eyes. INTERESTING. Well I was more disturbed by Claude's fanboy attitude than her haha. I HATED HER FOR AWHILE because I thought she'll wanna do things with Ciel.. then I realize. She just wants her Danna-sama back. Awwww.


- Okay see Sebastian LOVES Ciel's bitchslaps. And Ciel's bantering.
- Claude too.. he loved Alois' bitchslap till he became more clingy to Claude and he doesn't appeal Claude, so he killed Alois' off. And when Ciel SO SADIST.. like kick him off etc. Claude was PLEASED and fanboys. And even went "Yes, again, BLISS!"
- Hannah apparently LOVES and adore Alois. Why? Coz ALOIS WENT ALL SADIST AND POKE HER EYE, kicks her, tortures her... and she LOVES IT. IF NOT why did she go all the way to "store" his body?? And revive him? Ciel was nice to her so she doesn't bother much methinks. And besides she LIKED it when Ciel beat her with his stick.

random theory but LOL.


Anyways, I have perverted SebaCiel thoughts. Okay what if in the end when Sebastian got Ciel back. He'll be erm more touchy with his Bocchan?

Sebastian : "Bocchan, where did Claude touch you?" *molest*
Ciel : "Sebastian, what are you doing? Stop this-" *blushes*
Sebastian : "Sa, Bocchan.. I must now rid and clean your pure skin from dirty spiderwebs"
Ciel : "Sebas-bas.. tian......."
(AND THE REST IS UP TO YOUR imagination)

WEll maybe only Ciel allow Sebastian to feel him up ehehehehe... *cough*
and Ciel BLUSHING thinking back about Sebastian. OH PLEASE THESE TWO!! Admit it.. you guys are attached to each other more than you think.

MORE THEORIES & more questions

1) You know the fight/conversation between Sebastian and Hannah in EP. 9. I got a gut feeling it went LONGER than it was shown to us. And perhaps they actually made a deal with each other. That explains why Sebastian was so SLOW? I hope I'm right because it'll be so cool. As I said I don't really want Hannah to be the BIG BAD. I rather the three demons just conflicted with each other or something.

2) And hope they'll explain why Claude wants to revenge Sebastian when clearly Sebastian has nothing to do with Luca ORZ.

3) Claude and Hannah. WHAT is their relationship really?

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