Who should be the father of Evangeline's children?
Should it be...
Alain Beauchene?
He currently lives in Champs les Sims, France. His traits are Hotheaded, Hopeless Romantic, Virtuoso, Brave, and something else.
Henri Pontellier?
Another Frenchsim. His traits are Loves the Outdoors, Flirty, Virtuoso, and something something. (Yes, these were randomized.)
Armel Beauchene?
Yes, this is Alain's brother. I can't remember what his traits are. Neat and various other things. I like the neat part. Neat Sims mean never having to hire a maid.
Daniel Pontellier?
Another Frenchsim. His traits are Flirty and who knows what. I can't remember. Nothing too crazy.
Pascal Pontellier?
Daniel's brother. I have no idea why all the guys flirting with her are related. It just happened that way. There are some other French townies that I dumped into the game, but she hasn't met any of them, and the Beauchenes and Pontelliers have given her enough to play with.
And for reference?
This is our intrepid hero.
Evangeline Abernathy. Adventurous, Friendly, Green Thumb, Excitable, Over-Emotional.
Poll Who should Evangeline marry? No tickies this time, je suis désolée.