(no subject)

Oct 05, 2009 23:46

So. Once upon a time you could do all kinds of whacky custom shit to your LJ. Like, I don't know, change your background and header and stuff. Where is the link for those options? http://www.livejournal.com/customize/options.bml is failing to give me what I want. And I just reacquired Photoshop, y'all, plus about a thousand brushes. That...may not actually be much of an exaggeration. I randomly googled PS brushes and there was a website with a list of 100 totally badass brushes, and ohmigod, I died. I am so frequently a PS snob; I like making my own brushes, but there are just some things I can't do, like those really cute little swirls you see everywhere. (If I could just figure OUT how they do it...and if I had a working camera and a Wacom, I'd be SO HAPPY, you guys. Seriously.)

Oh, fall break. I spent most of my day in bed. I'm trying to get rid of a pinched nerve in my lower back, so I used that as an excuse to do fuck-all today. Literally. I got up for food and to shower mostly. As a result, yay, my back isn't hurting like a little bitch anymore. It was a good day for it. The air was cool and a little damp, and everything outside was dripping and cold with periodic rain. Never a heavy rain, just the quiet whispery kind that renders everything a little softer, a little gentler. I adore weather like this. It has this quieting effect on my mind, making me snuggle into whatever's available and enabling me to mentally roost somewhere and be still. It was just so unbelievably nice to have the house to myself, to be alone, to be able to play my music and to not worry about anyone or anything except for the cats. And I have another day of pure solitude tomorrow. I've needed this.

creativity, lazydays, another pointless post, art and crap, happy nikki is happy, rainy days and mondays never get me down, autumn

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