train of thought?

Apr 06, 2006 01:46

i feel like going on a depressive rave about life, but it's probably just because i haven't smoked in a few days. my emotions are pretty stable, but i've been putting a lot of pressure on myself lately and trying to actually learn something, which probably isn't good. i've been working a lot. not really a lot. i feel like i could be doing a lot more. actually a depressive rave would probably be good for me, but a burden to you, as casual readers, friends, random weirdos... anyways, i have been thinking a lot about the developers moving in, like at the tewes business park. i've also been reading about industrial hemp more and more, put two and two together. i got a free book not too long ago, the autobiography of gatewood galbraith. he spoke at the reefer rumble. there is an old alcohol prohibition law or some law about dry counties where you are allowed to have privacy in your home that lets you grow marijuana, i don't feel like risking it or putting my parents house at risk though. i dont like spending money on pot so maybe it is time to quit. i love it though. i've been doing too much realy to try and stay focused on one main thing, i don't really call anyone. idk. i have been working out and i just found one of my old paintball magazines. i've also been thinking about becoming a comedian. i just don't want to get my hopes too high. i want to concentrate more on learning german. i'd really like to just have a farm where i could grow enough hemp to sustain a livable income, and with enough acres to own a paintball/recrational facility/hotel something along those lines. idk. i went to southgate house tonight o see clap your hands say yeah but they sold out so i just browsed barnes and noble. i parked by the world peace bell. ataround 10:30 ish i sat underneath it for a few minutes before i went home. blah blah blah blah. keep it real. oh, i had diarrhea today too.
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