Mini-Rant about Mario Kart DS

Sep 05, 2006 19:07

So I've been playing a lot of Mario Kart DS lately. It's pretty fun stuff, and I'm really starting to get the hang of snaking (or at least forcing levels where snaking is nigh-impossible...w00t Rainbow Road).

Problem is, there's always assholes that ruin a good thing.

Now, I know I can't expect everyone in the world to be a good sport and stick it out the whole match even if they're losing. That's not what I'm here to rant about. My rant is something that truly confuses me about how others play. And maybe this is just me being a newbie still and not knowing all the subtle tricks of the game...but nevertheless it's been bugging me. Hopefully some of you MK experts like __darkmatter or karoru can answer this one.

So I'm racing on Rainbow Road. it's the last lap, and I'm racing a guy playing Bowser. The guy's well in my sights just ahead of me. Just before the second loop-the-loop, I watch him fall off the edge, and for a second I think, "Hell yes, I got this in the bag." But somehow, someway that I can't fathom, he somehow reappears again in front of me almosy instantly, as though he never fell off, if anything FARTHER AHEAD than he was, and goes on to win.

Now I can handle losing just fine.....but I was quite thoroughly interested in knowing just what the hell happened there. If anyone could enlighten me that'd be swell.
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