In celebration of a summer going semi-okay. I need to update more, I have had this LJ for long enough that it would be lame if I let it go. I am still slaving to myspace. It's a love/hate relationship. Thus far I have worked most of my summer away and I have hung out with just Nikk mostly. Seen on paper my life looks pathtic but when I'm living it I usually have fun. The week/end without my family was nice. I like living on my own, although Nikk did stay almost every night. I rented a ton of movies and just hung. I have been swimming a lot. I also got to go jet skiing. Not sure if I spelled that right, it creeps me out that people are seeing my stuff on myspace. But not to the point that I would set it to private. I guess I am the same way about old friends I don't talk to anymore though. I want to see what they are up to and if they have changed much. I got my grades for last semester. I did really well :D. I got A's, B's, and C's. Only one C! That was because I got an E on the exam... Ahhh well. On to another topic. I got this picture partly because I have done a lot of night swimming and it just made me smile, I love mermaids/mermen.