I can think of at least two things wrong with that title.

Jun 28, 2012 07:55

rarepairfest is so very much up my alley it's ridiculous. I spent so long agonizing over my nominations, guys, it was absurd. It's Yuletide for people like me, who enjoy big fandoms but invariably end up not giving a fuck about the juggernaut pairings and are into very small weird little ships. ALL OF THE ARAGORN/BOROMIR/ARWEN AND THOR/TONY AND SANSA/DANY, ALL OF IT. \o/

such_heights is hosting an Avengers kiss prompt 'fest and
spicedrum knows me too well and left a Thor/Pepper (with or without Tony) prompt, and I am literally going out the door in five minutes and it is tragic. I mean, not that it would break my heart if someone besides me were to write Thor/Pepper(/Tony), because all of that, too.

(Re: going out the door in five minutes, fingers crossed? It's a job interview, and a pretty rad position at a super-interesting place. They've asked for my references, which seems like a promising sign, and ugh, I could use this a lot. Fingers crossed and/or Thor/Pepper(/Tony), please.)

Ugh, I'm having so much trouble with DW lately. I suspect it's related to the modem/router issues I've been having in general and I just need to grit my teeth and call Comcast, but haaaaaaaaaate. :(

Originally posted at Dreamwidth.
comments; reply there with your DW username or OpenID.

pimping, lol fandom, movie:avengers

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