Inspector, look! Blogons!

Nov 05, 2011 19:22

This week's P&R was a bit boring, with the best part, naturally, being April and Andy. I really love the return of their Janet Snakehole & Burt Macklin, FBI roleplay, that's kind of the best. Also I got really projecty and had a lot of FEELINGS and got angry at Ben, it was ridiculous. /o\

But more importantly, last night when I had stopped drinking but in the six hours while I was sobering up to go to work, I spent some time yelling at Twitter about how this week's Community, which was largely...whatever, made me really really want fic where Troy is a Chameleon Arch'd Time Lord, and possibly even the Doctor himself. It started as a stupid joke about this last shot pre-credits gag, but then it just, um, got away from me.

I MEAN COME THE FUCK ON. I was so intent on flailing at the Internet about this that I AHEMed the episode and then capped that myself, and was THIS CLOSE to firing up ImageReady until I remembered that I don't know how to make gifs in any way that doesn't take a million years. Like, the way Troy rocks a little on his heels and shoves his hands in his pockets and flips his coat out a little bit? THAT IS DONALD GLOVER PLAYING TEN, COME THE FUCK ON. But then I thought back to how his entire plot in the episode involved being a superhuman genius at figuring out how things work and fixing them, and being really conflicted about it and just wanting to be left alone to watch TV with Abed. I still haven't really forgiven Troy for that one episode last season where he made up a story about being molested because his life wasn't ~dramatic~ enough, but actually pretending that he's the Doctor makes it all make sense! He knows that there's something awful he's hiding from, he can ~feel~ it, but he doesn't know what it was and the dreams don't make sense so he made something up. TROY BARNES, TIME LORD AND POSSIBLY TWELFTH DOCTOR: BEST FANNISH HANDWAVE EVER Y/Y

If he's actually the Doctor, that also makes it EXTRA MEANINGFUL AND POIGNANT that apparently when they throw paper at Jeff the Blogon, Abed pretends to be the Inspector and Troy is Reggie the companion. Because CLEARLY Inspector Spacetime is in fact the work of someone trying to wake Troy up. But he doesn't WANT to be a Time Lord! He's ~hiding~ from it! That's why he doesn't want to be the Inspector, he doesn't want to face the prospect of that kind of responsibility, and that's why he turned down both plumbing and space paninis with Black Hitler at the Secret AC Repair Society, because he doesn't WANT to deal with being someone with a superhuman talent for fixing things, he just wants to watch TV with Abed!

lizbee gamely chatted with me on Twitter about this, and the various things that needed to happen, like River enrolling (or taking a job as an archaeology professor?) because she's tired of waiting for Troy to figure it out and wants to take matters into her own hands, Britta vs. Daleks, and Jack Harkness falling in love with Shirley and being completely bewildered when the usual ~Harkness charm~ doesn't work on her, and so following her around the campus all starry-eyed. Also Annie/Amy(/Rory). Britta/River would be pretty great, too, upon consideration. Basically this is ridiculous and stupid and also may be my new personal canon, precisely because of how ridiculous it is.



Originally posted at Dreamwidth.
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tv:p&r, crossovers, tv:community, i am awesome, tv:dw

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