Here, instead of yet more whinging, let's all talk about this brilliant concept, which I have been giggling over now and then for weeks now: Hamlet played as Arrested Development-style comedy. The dream is featuring Jessica Walter and Jeffrey Tambor as Gertrude and Claudius (and possibly Hamlet Sr.), respectively, and/or for someone to play a ukelele riff between scenes, just as a nod to AD as inspiration, but oh man. Where basically everyone is completely aware of the fact that Claudius killed Hamlet Sr. and Hamlet is totally bringing them all down and making things really awkward by refusing to let it go, GOD HAMLET THIS IS WHY NO ONE LIKES YOU. Like, I'm sure Hamlet as comedy has been done, but that's not the point, the point is how much fun it is to chat about/think about.
ETA: AND NOW YOU'VE KILLED YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S DAD, ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? GOD WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU HAMLET?!?!?!?? Like, honestly, part of the fun is just yelling shit like that.
Further, which me and
inlovewithnight were talking about around the time we went to see the new Tempest: Macbeth with Mac as a woman. Which, again, I'm sure has been done, but the point was more how much delight we got out of thinking/talking about it in terms of what you could say about how the deck is stacked against women who try to gain power. That would probably not be a comedy, it would be even more depressing because lol patriarchy, but it would be awesome.
Also, I'm still bummed at how few people I've met who will agree with me on how fucking hilarious Titus Andronicus is. COME ON.
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