Further offering for help_pakistan, and more Oldskool Who reactions.

Aug 21, 2010 10:37

In addition to the 500-word ficlet and 1500-word fic, I also got the nod from sotto_voice to do the same thing she's doing and offer a cookie-ficlet combination. A dozen cookies (taking into account your tastes as well as allergies/sensitivities) and a ficlet of at least 200 words. Bidding starts at $10, and I'll be doing three sets, so the three highest bidders will each get a set.

I watched more S1 Who last night and am currently about halfway through the Dalek arc. Here are my reactions!
  • Ian has grown on me! I liked that when Susan turned out not to have been imagining things, he apologized, and that in spite of it being, you know, the early '60s, he (and the Doctor, for that matter) is fairly respectful of the female characters. As
    lizbee mentioned to me, the show seems determined to try and make him some sort of Patriarchal Leader figure and I like him best when they aren't trying to push that angle, because it really doesn't suit him.
  • I'm very fond of Susan, who continues to have LOTS OF FEELINGS (can she and Zuko hang out and have LOTS OF FEELINGS together, and annoy Mai? That would be amazing). When she was super-scared and went out from the city to get the meds from the TARDIS anyway I just wanted to hug her and give her ice cream. She was so scared and did it anyway, which sealed her place in my heart because that kind of bravery is such a narrative button of mine (see also: Buffy Summers in "Prophecy Girl").
  • I'm digging the way that Barbara and Ian are slowly becoming more and more touchy with each other.
  • Barbara is probably still my favorite. I'm going to need an icon of her, too. Does anyone know where I can find Old Skool Who screencaps, or am I going to have to do it myself?
  • One is a fascinating combo of cranky old man who wants these kids to get off his lawn and scary-ass alien. I wasn't sure how I felt about him at first, but as episodes have passed and the "scary-ass alien" aspect has shown more and more, I've really started liking it.
  • Susan and the Doctor are exiles who can't go back. Why are they exiles? (Note: this is a rhetorical question and I don't actually want anyone to tell me; for all that it's been forty-plus years and I have a vague notion of some of the developments, I have this weird thing where I still like to stay relatively spoiler-free. IDEK. It's new to me!)

Originally posted at Dreamwidth.
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lol fandom:srs bzns, tv:who

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