Unrelatedly, I am craving peanut butter cups.

Jun 28, 2010 10:53

I'm working on preliminary plans for Crossover Bingo! It will probably be run over at
crossovers, since
kate, the main mod, has said she doesn't mind the mod clutter it will generate, especially as it will generate more traffic for the comm.

Putting this together is tricky for me because I do not approach *_bingo challenges as trufax competitions at all; mostly I just look at them as a way to get a bunch of prompts at one go, so this is the first time I've actually looked really hard at the rewards side of things. I may not bother with the "if you don't post at least one story by [DATE] you won't be able to participate in the next round" thing, simply because I don't have the time/energy to try and monitor who's done what and who hasn't.

I'm thinking I'll allow people to choose one fandom as their "base" -- the thing that everything is crossed over with. Or they can choose a character if they want? Maybe a single character will be worth more points or something, that might be a good way to approach it. Possibly no base at all will be an option, but IDK.

Some items on the card will be specific fandoms/characters/concepts, probably, based specifically on each person's signup, for instance, "vehicle (the TARDIS)" or "superpowers (Slayer)". But I'm trying to come up with some more general prompts, as well, because that's a lot less work for me (and possibly other mods; I think I may need at least one other, but I'll put out a call for help after I've got a clearer picture in my head of what's going to happen). What I've come up with so far:
  • vehicle (subdivided into land/sea/air & space, maybe?)
  • historical -- historical figure RPF, Sherlock Holmes (created and set in the Victorian period), Band of Brothers (came out recently, but set during WWII), etc. It could even be two non-historical fandoms set in a historical AU, as long as there's two different fandoms represented.
  • criminals
  • law enforcement
  • legendary weapons
  • medical (doctors, hospitals, etc.) -- this could be a crossover with a medical drama, but it could also be Dana Scully, Leonard McCoy, Martha Jones, or Katara in her capacity as a healer.
  • the supernatural (possibly further specified with, like, zombies, vampires, ghosts, magic)
  • superpowers
  • entertainment (sports) -- this could be a crossover with, say, figure skating RPF; it could be a crossover with a movie or show about sports, like Friday Night Lights; it could even be an AU where all your favorite characters from various movies/shows are on a sports team together
  • entertainment (TV/movies) -- again, this could be a crossover with an actor RPF fandom, it could be a crossover featuring a fictional character who's somehow involved in the tv/movie industry, or it could be an AU where your favorite characters from various movies/shows are all working on a TV show together
  • entertainment (music) -- see previous two.
  • government/politics -- West Wing, X-Files, political RPF
  • animals -- Appa, Nala from The Lion King, the Pigeon, Pete Wentz's dog Hemmy, Utahraptor, whatever.
  • war
  • fantasy universe -- Middle-earth, Narnia, the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender
Specifying these might be the best way to give people fandom-specific ones, too; like "sports: Friday Night Lights" or "legendary weapons: the Colt". I may specify just for types of media, like "book", "movie", or "comic", too.

For the moment, any other suggestions for generic elements I could include on there? I was going to include "pirates", but that's really a subset of "criminals", although I might compromise by making "criminals: pirates" an option. I JUST WANT PIRATES TO BE ON THERE, OKAY?

Originally posted at Dreamwidth.
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planning plans, fic

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