I am even more distractable than usual today, awesome.

Jun 24, 2010 15:39

i. There was fic, but I completely misremembered details of the SPN episode it was set during, which is what comes of writing ficlets in your spare moments on a busy day at work. I also managed to leave my keys in the office when we went out to the Convention Center to set up some things (ALA convention is this weekend, and as part of the Marketing team I have to help put the booth together). It is not a good brain day, clearly.

ii. For those who are overwhelmed by the one at LJ,
onomatopoetic set up a DW home for the Big Damn Heroes Awesome Ladies commentfic party -- all ladies, all the time, yay!

iii. I am also working more on the original thing. I got 1000 words done on Tuesday, 1500 yesterday, and I think I'm going to try for 2000 today. I've got the first chapter finished, and I think I know roughly how the next one is going to go. Which is unusual for me, because normally in writing original stuff I have no idea where chapter breaks might be and don't really write in any kind of linear fashion. Possibly I'll put a poll up for people who want onto the filter. IDK, I write better when I have the illusion that someone is holding me accountable.

iv. Cleaning out my inbox yesterday, I found a comment from the Gabe-as-Catholic-priest post where someone was like "the only reason anyone cares is because some BNF made this post about it" and I was like "huh, I wonder who might have...wait, they mean me, don't they?" because lol what. I'm waiting for my free laptop, fandom, get on that.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth.
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pimping, writing:fic, writing

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