I'm on a roll! \o/

Jun 15, 2007 21:03

Title: Which Today Is
Author: Georgiana C. Cupcakes (cidercupcakes)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mild language.
Words: 2787
Notes: Buffy Summers/John Winchester. Post-"Chosen" for BtVS, mostly pre-series for SPN (with a bit of pre-series for BtVS as well...look, it's a time travel story, okay?).
Disclaimer: Kripke, Whedon, etc.

( One day at Headquarters, Buffy Summers walked through a doorway into twenty-odd years ago. )

Fake cut -- leads to the story at my fic journal.

I'm hesitant to post it to any of the SPN comms I know mostly because it's primarily Buffy's story. And I don't know where the kids are going with their Buffy fic these days. OH WELL.

fic:rating:pg, fic:crossover, fic:het, fic, fic:fandom:spn, fic:fandom:btvs

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