I did it too. Why do I know nothing about my friends?

Oct 07, 2009 22:34

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What is nemesyx's favorite band/artist? not 100% sure, but I know it'd be GOOD music
2) Has zarla been to your house/dorm? nopers... but I may see her soon, bwahaha~
3) Does lutherkreiger have a dog? well... when we RP'd, my character was sorta his dog X3
4) If jemisard and dominochan were spliced together, what would it be like? Senor Billy speaks Aussie, wut?!
5) Is funkicarus an emo? Fuck no. They eat emos for breakfast >]
6) How many monkeys could wyna_hiros fight at once and win against? ALL of them. Unless they threw poo. But monkeys always cheat.
7) Would you make out with jai? Ya know, I love animal lovers, but not that way :D
8) What is jemisard's favorite movie? Hmm, that's a good question
9) Is nemesyx 1337? He's so l33t he could KILL you just by pressing the space bar. Or something dramatic-al sounding
10) How long have you known jai? Not very long, just a few months actually.
11) Do you have a crush on wyna_hiros? no, just on the dedication to their art
12) What would you do if you found out jemisard has a crush on you? I'd ask why, and are they nuts
13) Where was wynndfae born? I would assume somewhere north. And possibly east? Maybe west.
14) If wynndfae was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Someone unexpected, like villains from The Tick.
15) If funkicarus had a superpower, what would it be? Already has super-powers, duh.
16) What color should bitchgoddessdm dye their hair? The color of I MOCK YOU MORONS.
17) What would just_picture_me give jai for his/her birthday? Um... I dunno '_'
18) wyna_hiros's hair color? If I knew, I'd tell you
19) Would you set up thundercrap and jai? Nah, but I think they might have a few things in common here and there
20) Could you see bitchgoddessdm and bitchgoddessdm together? Err. Yes?
21) Is wynndfae athletic? Like a artelope :B Actually, I dunno, but I liked making the bad pun. Cuz she does art. Ahem, moving on.
22) Where was wyna_hiros born? Why do you insist on knowing these things, geeze?!
23) Is nemesyx a nerd? A nerd of sex. Or something like that.
24) Is dominochan introverted or extroverted? I'd say a bit of both, which really doesn;t answer it now, does it?
25) What is jemisard's biggest flaw? They live too far for me to visit
26) What would wyna_hiros think of zarla? I can see puzzlement when they are given the same Vin/Cid thing to draw and the former is all "wait now, what?" and the latter is like, "let me draw some more". Oh hell, why can't this happen in real life?
27) Does ruckntrigger drink? They drink a concoction made of Win, Faggotry, Tea, and P0RN. Don't you wish you had some?
28) Would nemesyx and ruckntrigger look good together? Dunno, but imagine the conversation between them :o
29) What flavor of jello would funkicarus be? Pumpkin. Or something that looked like grape but was actually the flavor of SPACE.
30) What do you disagree with thundercrap about? Nothing really comes to mind, but I would suppose there's something?


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