Dec 21, 2008 09:01
1) What was your FIRST video game console?
2) Name a few games you played on said console.
Uh... Super Mario Bros.? Duck Hunt? Does this really have to be expanded upon?
3) Excluding handhelds, how many VG consoles do you own presently?
NES, Sega Genesis 32X-CD, SNES, Sega Saturn, N64, PSOne, XBOX, Playstation 2, Gamecube, Xbox 360, Wii.
4) Were you a Street Fighter nut? Any character in particular?
Hell yes. ST and 3S in particular. Green Chun for life.
5) Do you think Capcom is a FUCKING awesome company with kickass character designs?
Uh. I like pretty much all of the robot/reploid designs, particularly Rockman X and Zero. Fou-Lou from Breath of Fire IV was very cool, too.
6) Here's the scenario.. You had some friends over and you all ate FRIED CHICKEN! After the meal you all decide to play some video games. As your friend reaches for a controller you notice his/her hands are very "greasy." Are you the type that would insist they wash their hands before pawing the controller, or is it no big deal?
Depends on what we're about to play. I don't really have that greasy hands problem, but when I'm lending a stick out at tourneys it pisses me off when people don't wipe their hands off when they're sweaty.
7) What's your favorite RPG/Action RPG?
I hate this question because I can't choose one. I'll go with the big three, I guess. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Tactics and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
8) Do you prefer 2D games or 3D games?
Depends on the genre. I usually favor 2D platformers because buggy camera angles annoy me. I also favor 2D fighting games. Action games and the like I enjoy more in 3D for whatever reason.
9) Are you an SNK fan?
Not in particular. I enjoy KoF but I don't follow it very closely.
9) Are you good at DDR?
Not anymore.
10) Who wants to kick that dog's ass from Duck Hunt?
He never laughs at me because I always shoot the ducks.
11) Have you skipped out on important events in life because of video games?
Nothing that, in retrospect, I found too be really 'important.'
12) Do you listen to video game music?
All the time. Well, I mean, I have a lot of OSTs and such and I usually keep all of my music on shuffle, so...
13) Have you ever cosplayed a VG character?
No, but I want to at some point for the humiliation factor.
14) Have you ever been in an arcade playing a fighting game, KICKING ASS, and then some 6 year old Asian kid comes in and OWNS YOU??
No, but my brother used to be that kid with Marvel. He could barely reach the sticks, and he'd beast on the comp in a way that no 11-year old really should.
15) Name three games you would love to see remakes of if it was done properly.
Final Fantasy VII, Grandia ... and a continuation of the Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage series (PLEASE).
16) Mario or Sonic?
Sonic. I mean, he's the fastest thing alive. Mario gets props too, though, but I don't even understand the appeal of a short, fat plumber to children as opposed to a blazing fast blue hedgehog.
17) When a movie shows up in the theaters, let's use Spider-man as an example, are you likely to buy the GAME version?
Absolutely not. I am more inclined to see bad movies based on good games (Resident Evil) or even worse movies based on bad games (Hitman).
18) What is your LEAST favorite genre of video games? (ex. fighting, sports, shooters, etc.)
I think every genre has something to offer me as far as entertainment goes. I'm least inclined to purchase sports games, though, if only because I feel gameplay mechanics can't evolve in them.
19) Is there a game out there that you feel was unique and didn't get enough love?
Zoop, Rez, Final Fantasy VIII, Wiz'n Liz.
20) Have you ever verbally abused a game because you couldn't beat one of the levels and/or bosses?
Many, many times.
21) Do you own any VG apparel?
A few t-shirts, the odd poster or wallscroll, several plushies.
22) What are your thoughts on the live-action Super Mario Bros movie?
I never actually saw it because I knew better.
23) On that note, what did you think about the live-action Street Fighter movie?
I think that it's unfortunate that the last time I ever got to see Raul Julia on the big screen was in this travesty of multimedia entertainment.
24) Who's hottest out of the KOF chicks?
Yuri by leaps and bounds. Then I'll go with Blue Mary.
25) Do you say "old-school" a lot when you're having a VG conversation with others?
No, I don't like snobby terms like that.
26) Have you ever lent someone a game and they returned it to you damaged?
My two Xenogears CDs were rendered completely unplayable when they were returned to me by a friend. I was very pissed off until the game was issued a reprint.
27) Do you own any imported games?
I try to purchase the localized items, but a majority of my Sega Saturn library is imports.
28) Are you ready for this meme to be over, or could you keep going?
Could keep going, but whatever.
29) In this scenario, let's pretend you're going to get a video game tattoo! What would you get and where? This can be simple or elaborate.
I wouldn't get a tattoo.
30) Have you ever cried after you beat a game? If so why?
Not really cried, but I do start to swell up. In that case, Grandia and Ar Tonelico.