Feb 04, 2016 06:46
Having another antsy morning and I think I know why, at least in part. My apartment has become a noose around my neck due to the expense of the rent. Did get to talk to my best buddy yesterday during lunch briefly and it's come to the point that we can't hold onto this place much longer and thus perhaps interim housing while I look for a place to buy.
I've been getting the heaves shortly after I get up, and it sometimes begins with trying to blow my nose of the crap that develops overnight. it's not helped by my hearing that may be deteriorating, not a good thing. I often can't hear it when I sniff all that well, and it varies as that means the middle frequencies have been sucked out, and have always been weak due to Rubella. That is also where our speach resides, and where we are most sensitive to.
With the hearing aid in place, it's usually OK, but I'm also suspecting the hearing aid to be slowly on its way out as it won't hold settings well anymore, and gradually reduces the extreme ends, often just enough to cause things to sound "off". I loose room accoustics (fan noises etc) and the office area of the 3rd floor at work often comes off sounding quieter than usual due to the damned aid. So I have to constantly fight it as well as pop my ears so that may be something to have checked, well, I'll get a hearing test I think next month through Miracle Ear, who makes my hearing aid and i can't afford to replace it right now.
I feel there IS a change internally and that may be something to have looked at but there is this thing called money or a lack of it anyway that is keeping that at bay for the time being.
So that is where things lie there as far as the housing situation until Sunday when we can hopefully discuss more further then.
Now if I can just relax and get through the day, I'll be OK. Strangely, I did sleep reasonably well last night so that was good, not super soundly, but reasinably well overall.
Still need to see what comes up closer into Seattle and work, otherwise I can tranfer to a site closer in to home whereever I end up buying but also, run the risk of my income dropping enough to keep the housing expenses where they are, and that is NOT a good thing as we run the risk of a 10% pay cut, but it can't go any lower than that.
So that is the lay of the land as things sit here. I wish I had more positive stuff to write about but it is what it is and I'll get through it. I also found out my buddy and his wife are having to retrench on their house buying plans, buying his Dad's house, but due to legal issues, they can't, according to the real estate lawyer his dad has retained for all of his holdings. He is 85 and who knows how much longer he'll be around. So they will be looking as well, but they have a few months, where as I don't.
Anyway, time I take a few and see what I can find in places like Bryne Mauer/Skyway area and down in SeaTac etc which will keep me within arms reach of Seattle, but still have some affordable housing left. I need to also research how sketchy/non sketchy these areas are. In the meantime, I have a package on its way to me from China via eBay and realized yesterday that I needed to have a form 1095, I think it is to prove I have health insurance through work. It would be available online if I opted for it, gotta check that and it would not be available electronically until Feb 1, I filed on Jan 31st. So may have to send that in, who knows.
If I do, I do and hope it won't mess up my refund.
housing search,