Dec 13, 2015 14:55
Getting ready to do some other needed stuff like clean the kitchen up and decided to remove some mail that came to me recently off the dining table and in it was an envelope from my apartment management company and in it was a letter indicating that my rent would be going up. I had found that out Saturday morning when I talked to my apartment manager about options, and to be quite frank, there is none, really in so far as sticking it out here.
Well, my rent will hit $1135/Mo come March, but the good news is, that's about 3 months out so there is a bit of time. I hope to hear tomorrow (Monday) about whether a smaller DPA will work for looking outside the city limits in terms of buying a home.
Mood wise, I'm OK, still not feeling fully well, but did get some spots of mold I hadn't gotten to as yet in the living room and once I'm through with this post, to get the kitchen picked up. The Laundry is done, though I didn't wash the sheets as I had a larger amount than usual of regular cloths so decided to hold off untiil Friday and just do it then as a separate load, or decide to hold off and do it with the regular laundry and it all depends on how much dirty stuff I generate during the week.
So far it's been cloudy, but dry and that's good since I have some recycling etc to pitchas part of my kitchen cleanup, so unlike yesterday when it rained most of the day.
Part of still not being my full self is that I hope I'm not going to do what sometimes happens to people, catch a cold, and end up with something worse, like Bronchitis, or pneumonia or some such. I need to really pick up the research to get discussions generating on my blog and get rid of the spam subscribers, of which it seems I'm getting a bunch of so I come off as a legitimate blogger and maybe be able to parlay it into something that pays at least a supplemental income as I'm going to need it.
As I finish this up, there is a weak sign that the sun is trying to come out, and it's so weak I can barely see it reflected on the apartments across the way, but I can see it's trying though.
I'm just glad I finally got a handle on the mold thing here, at least on the surface and see if it helps things for the duration.
Anyway, need to grab a bite and get to washing dishes.
domestic chores