Jul 17, 2015 08:06
This week, I finally got word on my pay raise, and it's a "whopping" 2.1% raise, so now I squeak just past $14/Hr, whoopty do. That is about 23 dollars extra in my paychecks! Whooooo...
Anyhow, that is that, and it showed on this paycheck tht dropped this morning, nice.
Otherwise, we've finally hit more normal temps, though this weekend, upper 80's to around 91F in Seattle Saturday and Sunday before dropping back close to normal, but dry still.
Anyway, not too much going on outside of tomorrow being with family as we celebrate my oldest sister's oldest daughter from her first marriage and her marriage to her husband who's French. They live in France where Sarah has decided to live and teach or whatever she decides to do.
Anyway, we are doing a little celebration at Pt Defiance park in Tacoma in the afternoon and should be fun.
Other than that, not much else going on at the moment, though next week we have site certification, which comes around every 6 months.
Hope this finds everyone still reading and/or commenting on this here journal doing fine.
pay raise,