A country in flux

May 19, 2010 07:27

bitterlawngnome  brought up something he's noticed while here in Seattle with his partner danthered  as they deal with Dan's grandfather's old place, a modern home in N. Seattle built in the late 40's if I recall, anyway, Bill has noticed that here in the US, we seem to be shell shocked, as we have yinged and yanged from right to left and back, shell shocked and perhaps having an identity crisis or something, which is different than in Canada where they are from where a social safety net seems to be in place, unlike here where having abundance and being busy have sustained us, not so much now.

Anyway, a sea change seems apparent and even I have been feeling fleeting feelings every now and then, I can't describe them exactly but they will appear in the oddest moments and just as fast, disappear. I see change coming in my life, beginning today with an hour long online live training as part of my IDP (individual development plan) and then in July I hope to shadow at a print shop to see if that is indeed the right path for me.

But it's stemming I think from the fact that I am taking pro-active steps to make my lot in life better. I have noticed the general attitude of many people of late, not angst ridden as much as less happy, quiter in many cases and then we have the teabaggers, the full on right wing Christians and all that has been bombarding society from both sides and the rest of us have been caught in the middle, trying to "kill off" Obama through political means and Obama has done so much to help this country and I wonder if we just don't know how to react to such a president.

At work, it seems some of us are just going through the motions right now, glad we have a job because so many of our friends don't still. It's been a tough couple of years at least with the economy crashing and many who fell "victim" to the housing bubble are now trying to get out from under it all with their funds and lives intact and not many are not making it.

All that said, for those of us who remain employed, now is a great time to better one's means, even if incrementally through whatever means necessary. I've seen people move on to new positions either within my work site or leave that site for other employment elsewhere, even when in difficult times for I've heard that it's often in times like these it may be the best time to make that change.

But as a nation as a whole, the divide that Bush created is now really apparent and with the right wing continuing to force their agenda and tear this country apart with their hate rhetoric, the Republicans not even doing their job, but stall any legislation they don't like and it's all becoming just too much for a lot of us I think but there is a certain mood in this country that's for sure.

In any event, I'm just going to continue on with MY path and hope it comes to fruition in whatever form it deems appropriate.

mood, us

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