Goin' green

May 06, 2007 18:55

Well the first stage anyway and that was purchasing this bag, technically a beach bag, for grocery shopping. I took it to the store just a few moments ago and while a touch oversized, it's really nice and lightweight and the handles are such that I was able to carry it on my shoulder home. Very nice indeed and has a flat bottom so things can stand up in like they do in a normal paper bag.

I'll still use plastic bags as they are good for reuse in the bathroom etc later but I have more than I need right now so getting this bag was a great idea and the best part was it only cost me $1.47 at IKEA yesterday. :-)

So this is the first step in I guess a semi conscious decision to go green and be kinder to the environment, the other thing is to actually cook meals rather than buy something in a box that is processed, refined, full of fat, salt etc and usually isn't as tasty.

Tonight I'm going to heat up 2 frozen chicken thingies from Costco that my friend David got for me, I'll cook up some spinach (fresh, sauteed w/ gorganzola cheese, lemon juice, raisins and of course salt/pepper and garlic), a large salad and should all be quite tasty.

So there you go.

shopping bag, cooking, environment

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