Curmudgeonly misanthrope

Jan 03, 2010 16:56

I love my friends dearly, but SWEET JESUS it is nice to not have anyone in my house.

I only figured out this afternoon after arriving home from a (happily successful) clothes shopping trip with [lj]poor_toms_acold that, since my last day at work on 22 December, J and I have not had a single day without seeing other people.

So now I have 36 hours pre-going back to new!work to be hermitlike and not have to wear pants for anyone.

Bra size update: 18E. Of which there was approximately ONE in the entire Bendon store. So I had to go to Farmers and only get 20% of instead of 50%. Bastards.

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boobs, grumpy, shopping, holidays

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