X more sleeps!

Dec 20, 2009 20:08

Today has been a bastard of a humid one. Even with sunscreen on I'm stunned I haven't turned bright pink from walking in to work (yes, I am a very silly person sometimes).

On Wednesday J and I head up to the Tron which I suspect will be even more of a bastard weather-wise, and of course my wardrobe is completely unprepared for such a climate, not to mention the inevitable automatic panic about not looking good enough to withstand the interrogatory examination of His Family (or the general public at large, even).

Two more days of Old Job to go, which will no doubt be incredibly annoying because by *Thursday* last week we'd run out of things to do, The Leader is safely back up in Auckland, the news cycle is well into Tapdancing Poodles and Six-Month Old Internet Meme territory ... and I know I should feel nice and relaxed and lazy and happy about having very few things to tie up before I leave, but I just get antsy.

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