Euphemism, euphemism: From "dirty dancing" to "body wave"

May 17, 2011 12:51

Let's not forget that behind the abuse of words is its opposite: the sneaky, subtle adjustment of terms to mean the same thing in a bid to soften the image of the original words/phrase. Examples abound in our heavily polluted exchanges (in all forms of media):

dirty dancing, macho dancing --> "body wave," "ocho-ocho"

prostitution --> "sex tourism," "hospitality"

whore --> "hospitality girl"

homosexuality --> "gender preference," "sex orientation"

abortion --> "fertility regulation," "pregnancy termination," "fetal reduction," "woman's right"

euthanasia --> "mercy killing" --> "assisted suicide" --> "advanced directive"

contraception --> "safe motherhood" --> "family planning" --> "sexual health" --> "reproductive cialis right" --> responsible parenthood

pregnancy --> "disease" (umm, is this a euphemism?)

sickness, illness --> pathology --> "disorder," "dysfunction"

contraceptives --> "essential medicine"

condom --> "protection"

conception (at fertilization or zygote formation) --> "embryo implantation"

licentiousness --> "freedom"

licentious --> "free-spirited"

fornication --> premarital sex --> "live-in"

divorce --> "legal separation"

adultery --> "extramarital affair"

There are some cases, though, when euphemisms are called for: not as a concession to political correctness, but in cases such as when existing terms are extremely biased and unfair or plain inaccurate there is a need to revise. Examples:

crazy, retard --> "mentally ill," "mentally disordered"

Third World --> "developing nation"

abnormal child --> "special child"

gayness, homosexuality --> "same-sex attraction"

divorce --> "annulment" (big difference)

An entire new term must be invented, however, in cases where a new term supplants an old term and the result is disaster, or even more horrendous than before. I nominate these coinages eewphemism or ughphemism for word replacements such as this:

pregnancy --> "disease"

sex --> "danger," "unsafe action"
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