I don't want no part of this crazy love.

Jul 06, 2010 23:17

This Big Bang shit is hard. Yesterday I spent a couple of hours on it and somehow the exposition I thought I could finally finish became a monster. And then of course there's all the thinking about how it's going to tie together in the end--curse you, time travel! It's overwhelming at bits; if I've killed the ambassador here then how the fuck does Jim fix it without eradicating his own existence aghhh writer's block and then I put it away for another two weeks. I think I need to have a conversation with Stephen Hawking, or something.

And I just realized yesterday that as long as I've been writing, or at least, calling myself a writer (about seven years), I have never written any, any singular piece that came out to 20,000 words except maybe my journals. The manuscript for my novel only reached half of that; my biggest epic stand alone pieces as part of the series it took place in weren't anywhere near. I would say that part of me believes that brevity is the soul of wit but really I'm just a lazy asshole who can't finish anything.

I can do this, though! I can see it all in my head; I'm just a slow, tedious writer and I need the motivation. I have the material; now I just hope I have the time. And while some people will literally be writing novels for their Big Bangs, I'll probably just barely hit the mark. Since this is my first one, I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I'm doing it to help improve my writing skills and gain fandom fame as a talented young fic writer.

I was just doing some HTML and right before I started writing a '/s' I put a 'K'. *facepalm*

Got a bit of work to do--trying to finish up reading one of last year's Big Bangs that pretty much got labeled a Reboot classic-- Indistinguishable from Magic. Then I've got to stop being a douche about betaing a piece sent to me a while back, type up what I've got written up on the good ol' BB, and somewhere find time to practice my scales.

big bang, writing, to-do

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