just letting you all know that i am not dead. telling you that 75 isn't just pareeee, isn't just the tour eiffel, the museums, the religious experience that is the musée de l'orangerie, the moulin rouge, or the view from the basilique du sacré-coeur. 75 isn't the flood of tourists on the champs-élysées, or the whiff of handrolled god knows what
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trop d'amooooour for my sondre, from me (and a spazzy little akisun).
et en anglais maintenant...
i feel so much better than i have in months, possibly years, because i finally told my mom about this medical problem thing that has been slowly taking control of my life. i don't really feel like talking about it, and i was so scared to tell her, but i feel a lot better. i congratulated myself with two new pairs of shoes, tea from mariage frères, and a bottle of chanel perfume.
I'd kill to shop right now. My wardrobe is LAME. And my favourite pair or jeans ripped. :(
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