"i AM dave foley, mother f--ker!!!!" (edited for the stripper's kid in the bar)

Feb 23, 2006 23:18

oh. my. god. the kids in the hall were freaking hilarious. that is all. XD XD

no really, it was totally awesome. omg to the max. i took some really crappy photos during their last sketch. [blurry photos on flickr] We were sitting in the 4th row of this tiny theater, but I still couldn't get any decent shots. Lighting was too low. But anyways...

To start it off, I frickin PASSED DAVE FOLEY in the hallway going and returning from the bathroom. *squeee* And THEN Joe and I discover that we are sitting in front of David Krumholtz, the nerdy Jewish guy in like every movie, INCLUDING Serenity. HE SHARED A SET WITH SIMON AND MAL AND KAYLIE AND RIVER AND JAYNE AND WASH AND INARA AND ZOE.... That was surreal. XD

And then the Kids came onstage!!! And 1.5 hours of solid hilarity ensued. Ya know, I'm not sure what was funnier, their skits, or the fact that they kept forgetting their lines and cracking themselves up onstage. It was so fabulous. The kids were all a bit older than I remember, of course, and grayer and heavier, but they still have their wits about them. Highly. I loved this one sketch where Dave and Scott are waiting for a train in the subway. Dave played himself and Scott played the most annoying sort of person imaginable. "HEY! You're that guy!!! YEAAH, you're that guy! I know you!" And Dave is like "Uhm....yeah, I've been on TV a little bit..." obviously wanting the train to come already. Then Scott, wearing this goofy touk that makes his ears stick out, keeps laughing obnoxiously and saying things like "Wow, you've gained some weight. Is that your real hair???" Dave still has his hair, btw, it's just grey now. =) And still has his little boy dimples too, but anyways...So they are continuing like this, with Scott being annoying and Dave trying to make him disappear with his mind. Then Scott forgets his line and they start cracking up. Dave points out that his line is, uhm, written in graffitti on the wall, "I always wanted to kill you." Then as they are trying to stop laughing, Bruce walks onstage with this precocious little smirk and drops their script on the floor between them. Everyone is dying laughing at this point. Dave picks up the script, crumples it in a ball, and says "Ya know what I hate? People who LITTER!!" XD XD (ad-libbing). Then Scott continues with how he has always wanted to kill Dave Foley because he was the reason that News Radio was cancelled. Until he realized it was actually Phil Hartman's fault for getting killed. o_o (so terrible!) But then Dave convinces him that he isn't really Dave Foley, but a serial killer who strangles his victims with his gay little scarf. He has Scott convinced, then when Scott turns his back, Dave takes his scarf and wraps it around Scott's neck, yelling "I AM dave foley you mother f------!" XD XD XD End sketch. And um, you just had to have been there.

So anyways...it was frickin awesome. I believe they all were dressed in drag at some point, although I can't remember if Scott was or not. But he played a great gay man, lol. But then they all do. Actually yes, they did each play a gay man at some point, lol. Not that that's any different from normal. ^^ Another favorite skit had Bruce and Scott playing a pair of gay men who were hiding their affair from their wives of 20 years, played by Dave and Kevin, of course. And I'll never forget Bruce dressed up like a little Swedish girl who could only communicate in baby talk. I don't know how he always gets those roles...but he was pretty darn cute. XD XD

Okay, I'll shut up now. =D All I have left to say is i love my husband for snagging the tix (that sold out in 4 hours!!). You are super awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD
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