The definition of marriage and the redefining of it

Apr 10, 2009 00:11


Regarding the definition of marriage and "redefining" it.

Marriage has several definitions, some of which have nothing to do with people. Throughout time, marriage has had meanings changed. It has never simply meant "between a man and a woman". Sometimes it was several women and one man(which still occurs in some parts of the world). It also had the meaning of "one white woman, and one white man". The word marriage comes from the Latin 'maritare', which means "give a husband to".

This sacred institution has gone through a myriad of roles. It's a way to handle property rights, inheritance, etc. It was a contract to gain land and title, and protect bloodlines. A way to end feuds. Woman were used to get a bride price, or a dowry, through arranged marriages(which still occur). Love was rarely involved.

Regardless of all that. The most important thing you must realize: it is not actually possible to legislate a definition. The gov't doesn't have the power to make marriage defined in only one way(be it your way or anyone else's). The nature of language just doesn't allow for that. If this were possible then etymology wouldn't exist, because we'd all speak the same way we did thousands of years ago. Language evolves, we see this throughout our lifetime. Think of the word "web". Did you think spider or did you think internet? How about the word "text", is it a noun or a verb? A hundred years ago "cool" only referred to temperature. Thousands of examples. It's called common usage, and yes sometimes I dislike common usage. Because of this we have words like "irregardless" and "ain't". The point being that if enough people use the word marriage as "2 consenting adults in wedlock" then that's what it's going to mean. You can no more force everyone to use one particular definition than you can force everyone to use the word "gay" to mean "happy".

You and all your anti-gay pals are just going to have to accept that.

I suspect this whole thing isn't about definitions at all. It's more likely because the bible says "god hates gays" and "marriage is good" so you musn't let those evil gays get married. Too bad for you, you have no control over it. The controversy isn't actually about gay people getting married, because they can do that anyway. It's about the gov't recognizing the marriage and giving them the same benefits and rights.

See how I used 'marriage' and didn't have to preface it with gay but you still understood what I was saying? That's common usage.
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