.::hey every1::.

Aug 02, 2005 16:43

omg hi!!! i've in holland and ive been here 4 5 dayz already..im at my great aunts house in amsterdam and shes got a comp here so i''ll be able 2 update..i miss all my frendz so much its crazy..i didnt have my fone with me cuz i just came 2 my aunts house 2day so i didnt get it until a couple minutes ago..most of this tyme ive been in rotterdam with my uncle and 2 cousins and its been kinda crazy there so we finally came here and now we're just chillin..we celebrated my moms bday on the 28th of july like we did last year so that wuz all fun..i cant rele think of much 2 say about my trip so far cuz i havent rele done anything but sleep, drink, eat and chill, btw their beer here is rele good LOL..not too many windmills around here but its all good..not rele the important part of this trip anywayz..i'll post pics as soon as i get home 2 cali cuz i 4got 2 bring my cord wit me so that i cud load pics but dont worry i promise 2 add pics later..i'll try and update 2morrow if i caN but im gonna be out and about 2 so dont expect much word..they have so many kool clothes here..and they have converse that we dont have!! mind you i will be being at least 1 pair..lol oo and they have the exact same 7-up that they did in mexico wne i went wit BMs (remember? chlow, haran, emily etc..)well anywayz im bout 2 jet so holla and i'll comment to ya back..
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