Apr 24, 2005 13:29
Name: Cara, Caracita, 4 million names lindsay & i come up with...
Date of Birth: 9-15
Hair color: dark
Eye color: dark brown
Age: 16
Height: 5' 8"
Most cooked dish: anything pasta =)
Most used appliance: stove?
Greatest accomplishment: cooking an entire meal by myself? (even though i do that often?)
Usual bedtime: lateee
Preferred PJs: pj pants & shirt?
Favorite color bedlinen: well... i dont exactly put much thought into that
Electric or blade razor: both... depends
Hair products used: shampoo, conditioner, some shine serum thing sometimes
Fragrance: tutti dolce, or body by victoria, or kiwi lotus
Best buy: anything on sale =)
Cannot live without: hoodies
Brand of sunglasses: my versace ones?
Brand of watch: fossil!
Must-have power tool: my stagecrew screw gun.. good timesss
Garden duties: if i had a garden?
Best sound: outside, or the ocean
Favorite song: lotss
Never want to hear again: i have nooo idea?
Favorite form of exercise: playing outside?
Exercise you hate: weightlifting, its sooo boring
Sporting dream: dont have one
Sporting career highlight: um..playing well?
Most admired famous player: dont have one... sorry i dont follow any sports
Good luck charm: once again, i dont have one?
OTHER RANDOM STUFF (even if it's been asked already)
Star sign: virgo
Moon sign: theres a difference?
Chinese zodiac sign: maybe a dragon? that would be cool, but it probably isnt that... ohwell
Greatest fear: dark- corny i know but its true
What/who is your greatest inspiration: my friends and family, and my parents
Most difficult decision you've had to make: ughhh
If you had three wishes, you'd wish for: thats a tough one
If you auditioned for American Idol, you'd sing: i woudnt, i hate american idol
Best subject at school: spanish, chem
Which actor/actress would play you in a film about your life: me?
Three people you would invite to dinner: my friends, family, and jesus? (hha jk i have no idea)
What would you spend your last $20 on: charity
Signature dish: i have no idea... i make a mean grilled cheese!
You know you should, but you just can't throw out your: stuff in my closet
Favorite fashion item: earrings
If you bought a racehorse, you'd call it: your mom
Top five things you aim to do in the future: graduate, job, car, be happy, stop wasting my life filling out these addicting surveys.
Let's get to know you
who are you? cara
where are you at? my bedroom
how old are you? 16
your height? i could have swore i already answered this
your education level? 11th
label yourself in a couple words: bipolar
do you have siblings? bro
do you live at home? yesm
is your mom a fat bitch? i love my mommy! i would never say that
does she know it? she knows i love her bunches =)
what do your parents do for a living? mom= teacher/ dad= owns 2 businesses
your family have $$$? sometimes
are you religious? not at all
what color are your eyes? dark brown
what color is your hair? dark brown
does the carpet match the drapes? OMG andyyy!!! Man this makes me miss PR
do you hate that saying as well? yes, it makes me wish i was still sitting in that breakfast bar, playing katamyte,and getting my ass kicked by Andy.
What do you drive? Ford 500
Do you like it? its a sexy beast
What would you rather drive? a celica or some sort of SUV
Do you own a bicycle? haha yeah, do i use it? no
Moped? that would be amazing
Helicopter? yeah, theres one in my backyard? duh.
Roflcopter? eft?
Do you play any instruments? used to
Do you eat carbs? <3 im italian, its all we eat
How many pushups can you do? a few
What time is it? 1:48
What are you wearing? pj pants, wife beater, slippers
Do you call people bro or sis? im gangsta like that.. haha not
Have you ever met someone who played EverQuest? never heard of it
Were they reeeeally fat? what?
Did they reek like old socks? huh?
What kind of computer do you have? dell
What do you use it for? lots
Do you have a bf/gf? nope
Are you in looove? nope
How many really really super tight close friends do you have? one truly close, and a few that are getting there-ish?
Have you ever dyed your hair? yes
Ever run around the 'hood buck naked via Truth or Dare and alcohol? not really
if so: Did you have to make excuses like "it was cold out"? no sorry
Have you ever met someone online that you later met in person? hah no
Were you molested? i molested your mom last night? what?
When was the last time you went to the doctor? i was @ the dentist like 2 weeks ago
When was the last time you went to the grocery store? IN PUERTO RICO =(
Last got a hair cut? a few days before we left
Last checked your car's oil? my dads car needs an oil change... badly
Last checked your car's blinker fluid? riiiiight
Last time you lied to somebody? me= chronic liar?
Last time you lied to yourself? hah i have no idea
Last movie you watched? Bend it like Beckham
Last video game played? i havent played videogames in 1000 years
Is FF7 irrefutably better than the rests of the series? what the hell?
Is Xbox a steaming pile of shit? i have no idea
If not, are you just in denial about your $150 paper weight? im so lost
Do you spend money like whoa? ugh yeah a lot
What do you buy? stuff
Do you swim regularly? in the summer?
Have you ever stuffed your bra? no sorry...
Do you have pets? kitty, poodle, 2 birdies
Do you cook and eat your pets? that just made me want to throw up
Did you ever watch Sifl and Olly? what the hell is that?
How about Pee Wee's Playhouse? creeps me out
Ever toured Michael Jackson's ranch? creeps me out even more
What do you think of Police? i dont get why people hate the police.. freaking idiots
What do you think of Black Police? way to ask a completely racist question.. fucktard
What do you think of Black Poice Rocking Out on Banjos? who the hell asks that?
Would you describe yourself as a "music person?" YES
What are you listening to right this second? my ipod
If you had to pick a single genre to listen to for the rest of your life? i have no idea what genre i listen to..
Your absolute #1 favorite band? davematthews
Your absolute #1 favorite solo artist? howieeee
What are 5 must-have albums in your opinion? all of them
Radio: when youre in a gangstaaa mood... its amazing
Should Gwen Stefani put on some weight and get a boob job? i dont like her, she can do whatever she wants.
Best Rock Song Ever? My Sharona!!
Best rap song ever? that one that Linds & Ky & i rocked out to in my doctors parking lot (cant think of the name)
Best chill-out Song Ever? umm... i have no idea
Which artist hypes you up when you need energy? howie
Which artist puts you to bed when you're sleepy? they dont really put me to sleep
What do you listen to in the car? CDs
What do you dance to? you mean prance around to? anything
Have you heard or heard of the Uneasy Listening Vol. 1 mixtape? noo
Who's your favorite vocalist? vocalist? howie?
Create your own allstar band, doesn't have to be your above picks: yeah.. no.
boxers or briefs? boxers
bikini or thong? for what?
sandals or slippers? flipflops
shoes or boots? flipflops
headphones or earphones? whats the difference?
mini disc or mp3? ipod
beer or hard A? beer = gross
early to bed or night owl? im a night person
tea or coffee? coffeeeeee
donut or bagel? bagel
gum or mint? gum
baked or fried? baked
soup or salad? ensalada
anorexia or bulimia? hah. wow i wish i could write what i wanted to here.
gun or knife? machete? haha PR
SNL or Mad TV? both?
Chris Farley vs. John Candy? gross
Desktop or Laptop? either
ghosts or zombies? scary
one pillow or two? two
braces for 10 years or F'ed up teeth? braces
For President: George W Bush or Blind Dear Downs Syndrome Baby? wow someone needs to get an effing life, grow up, and realize that its bushs last year anyways, get over it. he won. theres nothing we can do now. ugh people bother me.
Chinese food or Italian? do you really have to ask?
c4n y0y r34d th1s 4nd und3rst4nd t0t4lly wh4t 1 4m try1ng to s4y? sadly
Can you watch the original Star Wars movies and know every droids name? no sorry
Have you had to buy bigger and bigger pants every 3 months? umm no sorry
Did you blame the washing machine? no?
Do you have a disabled parking pass because you're too huge? no.. but whoever made this is insanely immature.
Do young children point at you and say "Look Mommy, it's Jupiter?" wow
I'm clearly out of ideas for this survey. Shall we stop? yes, and thank god because youre an effing idiot for making the entire last section. i officially feel more stupid for filling this out. nice.