Feb 27, 2010 07:00
- 14:23 Photo: DAY 87: CATHERINE #100days Yesterday was Catherine’s birthday and we went to Papa Haydn’s, a... tumblr.com/xj76uhgtp #
- 14:34 Photo: DAY 88: REX #100days Rex is a cadidate for METRO president who cam in today to talk to us during... tumblr.com/xj76uhur1 #
- 20:39 Thatching Britain - oddly captivating; i want a thatched roof. tumblr.com/x4t6uw03f #
- 20:56 @ EdByrneComedian in the animation the woman was typing too slowly, not so exciting. i think that the last part was quite homoerotic. #
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