FNL 5X12 Texas Whatever

Feb 03, 2011 10:20

And then there was one...

cut for the obvious )

friday night lights

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elzed February 4 2011, 00:59:55 UTC
Tears all over the bloody shop, mate.

I disagree with you about Tim (you are amazed, I can tell). Not re: Billy, who I think he is kicking harder than he deserves - and I am glad Tyra called him up on that. But I thought his advice to Luke was actually quite sound - don't expect ever to hit the high note of winning state - just enjoy it for what it is and then don't rely on football to sort your life; and well, he did get tangentially involved wiht Billy, but if memory serves, it was largely to help sort things out, because his brother was involved, and he thought Billy was a fool for doing it in the first place.

And dude, he really took it all on his shoulders without bitching (well, until now).

And I am so glad he and Tyra seem back together!!!!

I can;'t see a way out of Coach/Tami either. I mean, I totally get the 18 years, and the lack of congratulations - but Coach? the man-molder of DIllon? Cannot be moving to Philly...

The end will probably kill me.

NB Like you, I feel sorry for Hastings (well, Gray Damon or whatever his naame is) because that was a bit of a waste of a star role, no? I don't theink he had more than twenty lines of dialogue in the whole season...


dorabelle February 4 2011, 01:22:36 UTC
I think Coach/Tami will go to Philly. From Coach's point of view, he hasn't earned the Golden Ring, it's being awarded to him because it suits TPTB in their pursuit of their own goals. Coach doesn't like being put in the position of being a pawn in someone else's game. That's what he's been warning Vince about (re: Vince's dad).


dorabelle February 4 2011, 01:31:18 UTC
Oh, and that's not to say he'd only go because he felt slighted. I think Tami made a cogent argument. Yes, she signed on for being a "coach's wife", but no deal you sign on to is eternal. Negotiation is always dependent on circumstances.


cianconnell February 4 2011, 01:56:51 UTC
Point well taken with Tim's advice. If he'd been able to just walk into the sunset after hanging up his shoes after winning state, it would have been a Hollywood ending...but, but...I want better for Luke. Though, yes, play the game like it's going to be his last, savor and enjoy it, and let's see what the future brings.

As a Billy-fan, I totally ADORE what Tim did for him, but I really believe that he's got to let his brother off the hook. I would actually have been keen for a whole season of them being on the outs, with an eventual reconciliation, but I understand that time is forcing some of this (over-resentment, hopefully leading to a detente). I love bitching about the relationship, but I'm the first to admit to love also? The fisty-cuffs, fighting and at each others throat thing, so long as they get along at the end of the day.

It would be awesome for coach to move for Tami, but? As a person who sees the reality, instead of the t.v. reality? He'd be MISERABLE in Philly in a year. It would suck. But, t.v., so he can do whatever he wants.

Poor Gray Damon (heh, that really is Hastings Ruckle, no?), is he in something else now? I kind of love his stoner-smirkiness and mourn who he could have been as one of "the kids" in a future season.

BOO end to FNL!


dorabelle February 4 2011, 03:52:25 UTC
See, but I think he wouldn't be moving FOR Tami, not in the sacrificial way of "oh, you put up with this for so long so I'll do this for you". I think the writers really have made a good case for the idea that his run in Dillon (East or West), is done. Now he's got to figure out what else to do with his skills, his talents, his charisma.


cianconnell February 4 2011, 04:12:09 UTC
NO! He HAS to be a high school football coach. Period.


dorabelle February 4 2011, 04:35:58 UTC
Okay, okay, fine....I wasn't suggesting that he become a creepy life coach for yuppies, or anything, but still...there are, in fact, high schools in Philly, and if there's anything Coach T knows is that it's not about State, it's about the team. He has shown time and time again that he can make something (great) out of nothing. Sure, it's great to GO...ALL...THE...WAY... in a town and a state that cares so much, but his job has always been more than that.


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