
Feb 13, 2009 17:38

So, I went to see Friday the 13th at "lunch" today. I figured that I'd only want to watch the first 10-15 minutes or so, so I picked a time that had another movie that I could duck into, when I inevitably felt like bailing, which I did, 10 minutes in because (well, any of you knowing why I went probably know why I bailed (not much of a spoiler at all really), and I didn't even make it till Padalecki was on screen):

Really? I kind of wish this one had ended after 10 minutes. The SS child fucker's suicide couldn't come fast enough. Plus? She also vandalized the books at the prison? What a waste of oxygen. Blech. I kind of hated Michael, too, though I realized she all sorts of fucked him up. I was glad that he decided not to help her, but thought that he should have left her to her illiterate solitude. The only person I liked in the whole movie was the law student, who said that he would have put a bullet in all of their brains.

Lordy, there's two plus hours I'll never get back. I totally should have stayed in Friday the 13th...or gone to Paul Blart, next door.


Happy Friday the 13th to all y'all.

Off to buy some beer for the husband's suprise birthday party, which I totally bailed on hosting. I'm such a good wife. Blah, I knew someone would offer and after having two full weeks of houseguests and being the only working in my department on this lovely Friday, I just couldn't deal with getting the house ready. Plus? I, no lie, just put down close to $300 on a 5-year-old's baseball season (not t-ball, baseball, and they have, like 20 games and he's totally going to support me as a major leaguer some day, right? I'm so not delusional) and another $200-and-change on both boys' spring soccer.

Yay, money! Or lack thereof!

And a Happy Birthday, again, to Brandy. BTW, I'm pretty sure that there were plenty of "anonymice" involved, dear!
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