Crossover fics Part 1

Apr 08, 2011 20:25

Crossover fics/lists/etc. as promised :) These ended up being more snapshots of the two characters together during the disaster then them necessary fighting through them-hope you all still like them!

This is the first round-there will be more later :)

knopflergroupie , Jack Shephard and Will Schuester coping with their wives cheating on them.

They have a few beers, wobbling on chipped barstools at some cheap dive no one who knows them would ever be at. Jack's co-workers drink somewhere far more upscale, Will's students are too young to be drinking (or at least out in public).

"I wanted to save her," Jack says softly, starring at the scuffed wood.

"I wanted to be a father," Will says, just as softly, and he can't even bring himself to hum the Journey song coming over the barely-working jukebox.

aurilly , Danno and Jack Shephard: tsunami destroys Oahu

"I do know a little something about being stranded on islands, " Jack offers up, as he and Danny perch precariously on a piece of wreckage, trying not to fall into the seething waves below.

Danny doesn't even wave his hands in frustration. He knows full well Jack is just talking to distract them both from their missing husband and wife. So he nods, and sighs, and tugs anxiously at his sopping wet tie, and he and Jack pull as many people as possible to safety, balancing out so they don't topple.

And then Steve surfaces, an arm around Kate's waist, and helps her up onto the boards. She is in Jack's arms before another second has passed, and then Steve is heaved on board by Danny, who stumbles under his weight but holds him steady, Steve's exhausted head cradled against Danny's chest.
jemmalynette , Sam Winchester + Kate Austen = the Apocalypse

Today, they took down three major demons, saved one child, and only couldn't get to twelve people in time. So they celebrate, save cleaning their stockpile of guns for the next day, drink too much whiskey taken from the liquor store down the street from their expensive hotel (the dead store owner won't care, and the dead owner of the hotel is not around to charge them). Then they kiss, slow and tender, fast and sloppy, and their filthy clothes end up scattered on the floor.

For a moment, they can't hear the death outside.

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