Graphics hooray!

Mar 12, 2011 16:10

Some more of my graphics that have been requested and are finally done :) I'm hoping to put some more up later...I want to do genreswap and personality swap, so for example Veronica Mars as a horror movie. If anyone has any requests, let me know.

These were the numbers game, where I had a list of my 50 favorite characters, people gave me two random numbers, and I made a graphic with those characters. Some also have lyrics from a song that came up on Itunes shuffle.

ozmissage picked 8 & 15, which turned out to be Mazie (General Hospital) and Brittany (Glee):

deirdre_cdeirdre_c  picked 10 & 20, Mercedes (Glee) and Shannon (Lost) :

jacquelin825 picked 17 & 25, Sam (Supernatural) and Lucky (General Hospital)

littleton_pace picked 6 & 36, Sydney (Alias) and Sun (Lost):

froggyfun365 picked 2 & 48, Jack (Lost) and Duncan (Veronica Mars):

froggyfun365 also requested my five favorite screencaps from Lost 3x21, Greatest Hits, and an Alias/Veronica Mars crossover:

general hospital, glee, veronica mars, alias, graphics, supernatural, lost

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