Meme graphic fun!

Jan 26, 2011 16:57

Give me the name of one of my ships. I’ll put my MP3 player on shuffle and make a graphic based on the song.

(I took this description from the fabulous ageless_aislynn )

You all know me really well, so you probably know what I ship/what characters I like. If we don't like any of the same ships or characters, I will do one I don't ship as well, because that's how much I love you all ;) :)
I make no promises on how quickly I'll get this meme done but I'll do my best to not let it go for too long.

Also, I don't mind if more than one person requests the same ship. It doesn't say you can't in the meme rules so if y'all don't care, I certainly don't either! ;)

Annnnd lastly, I know it says "ship meme" but if you really just don't have a ship you like or you'd rather pick an individual character instead of a ship, I'm totally cool with that. I love any of the characters listed in these ships and TONS more from those fandoms, so if you're not feeling the shippy love right now, launch a character at me and we'll see what happens. ;) 

meme, graphics

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