More ways to help Queensland and get fanfiction/fanart of your choice!

Jan 12, 2011 19:40

I remember doing Lightening Rounds for help_haiti and thought I'd offer something like that here.

For every $1 you donate to either or you will get:

-100 words of fiction
-2 icons
-1 banner
-1 wallpaper

For every $5 you donate, you will get a 30 second vidlet.

This is all guaranteed. You don't have to outbid anyone, you just e-mail me proof of your donation, and what you want, and you get it. You can do combination too, so $2 could get you 200 words of fiction, or 100 words and 2 icons, etc. etc.

I will write/vid/make art for couples I don't ship as well as couples I do. I want to raise as much money for Queensland as possible. I'll write/vid AUs and crossovers. I'll write or vid your OC if I have the clips/you give me background information. I'll make fanart for your fanfiction, and manips. The only things I won't write/vid are incest, underage/overage, rape, excessive violence, and torture. If you're not sure if I'll vid/write something, shoot me a PM and ask before you bid.

Fandoms: Glee, Supernatural, Bones, Grey's Anatomy, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Lost, General Hospital, One Life to Live (Kyle/Fish only), Sherlock, Veronica Mars, Alias, Leverage, White Collar, Dirty Dancing, Psych

queensland, fanart, donations, auction, fanfiction, fan video

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