Catch up fics for Fic Advent Calendar

Dec 27, 2010 20:53

For toestastegood -Leverage, Elliot/Hardison, The Mistletoe Challenge

"This...this is not okay," Hardison muttered, staring at the computer screens flickering in front of him.
"Just doing my job," Elliot teased back, before adjusting his Santa hat rakishly over his left eye and leaning forward to kiss the next girl in line. "That'll be $5 Miss." The woman actually giggled, winking at Elliot as she handed over her money, letting her hand linger.
"Move your-move your damn hand!" Hardison yelled, and he couldn't help but notice Elliot immediately pulled his hand back. "That's my boy. Finally."
"I didn't ask for this job," Elliot said softly, smiling at the next woman in line. "Nate wanted me on the inside in case anyone tried anything."
"Yeah, yeah, I know," Hardison sighed. "Doesn't mean I like seeing you be in some Kiss Santa booth, under the mistletoe with a line of women just puckering up."
"Jealous?" Elliot couldn't help smirking, eyes traveling to where he knew the camera was.
"Hell yes I'm jealous!" Hardison exclaimed, slamming his hands down on the table. 
And then Elliot disappeared from view.
And then the van doors opened.
"Brought you something," Elliot grinned, dangling a piece of mistletoe from his fingers before tackling Hardison to the floor.
"You taste like boozy women," Hardison jokingly complained, trying not to grin as Elliot kissed his way down his neck.
"Not for long," Elliot said, a wicked gleam in his eye as he unzipped Hardison's pants and lowered his head.

For ozmissage -Lost, Juliet/Sawyer, Secret Santa
"You rigged it, didn't you?" Juliet asked hours later, as she  nestled into Sawyer's arms, pulling the white sheets up around their intertwined bodies.
"Rigged what, Blondie?" Sawyer asked, pressing a kiss behind her ear.
"I can feel your grin, James," Juliet laughed, raising her eyes to meet his. "I know you rigged the Dharma Secret Santa so we'd get each other."
"You liked my gift though, didn't you?" Sawyer smirked, gesturing to the red, white faux-fur lined bra and panties at the foot of the bed.
"You liked it too, clearly," Juliet laughed. Sliding on top of Sawyer, she grinned. "And here's the second part of your present."

For leobrat , Supernatural/One Tree Hill, Dean/Haley
They take long rides in the Impala. Haley sings him the new songs she's working on, and Dean drums along on the steering wheel. His facial expressions never fail to get a laugh out of her.
Whenever they end up in her town, Sam hugs her, goes out to dinner with them, and then checks himself into a separate hotel room. In between ripping each other's clothes off, Dean and Haley watch cheesy scary movies. Dean points out all the ways the filmmakers got it wrong, and Haley tells him how she would have done the soundtrack.
In the morning, Dean and Sam drive off, and Haley writes a song she'll never sing Dean. She doesn't want to scare him away with how deeply he breaks and mends her heart, every time.

elliot/hardison, spn, spn/oth, one tree hill, lost, leverage, juliet/sawyer, dean/haley, juliet/james, suliet, supernatural/one tree hill, oth, supernatural, daley

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