Fic advent Dec.11, 12, and 13

Dec 14, 2010 18:04

Dec. 12-Dean/Castiel, sneaky!Sam, mistletoe-joyyjpg

Castiel suddenly appeared next to the small tree in the motel room, an enormous bag of presents dragging behind him.

"Jesus, Cas, did you bring the whole store?" Dean exclaimed, fighting back an affectionate laugh.

"Sam informed me that is a typical human custom at Christmas to bring presents to those you care about," Castiel responded matter-of-factly.

"He did, huh?" Dean responded, then paused. "People you care about?"

"Yes." Castiel took a step forward, until he was directly in front of Dean. "He also told me I would have bad luck for a whole year if I did not kiss the person standing under the mistletoe with me." Dean followed Castiel's gaze, up towards the ceiling, where a small piece of mistletoe had been scotch-taped on, clearly by someone extremely tall.

Dean would swear later he could fricking hear Sam's satisfied smirk as Castiel leaned over and kissed Dean softly on the lips, and Sam would later argue that Dean couldn't possibly hear a smirk, and Castiel would kiss Dean again before they could start fighting, and Dean would decide maybe he could punch Sam later.

Dec. 13-Fargo being adorable-anothersadsong

"Santa's here!" The excited yell came from the young daughter of one of the lab employees, who came tearing past Jack, Allison,  Zoe, and Jo at break-neck speed.

"Don't tell me, Eureka has a way to make Santa real," Jack said with a resigned air, moving towards where the girl had ran.

"Not that I know of..." Allison trailed off, her eyes wide. There in front of them stood Fargo, dressed in a Santa suit, beard and all, pillows clearly stuffed under the expansive red velvet. He was surrounded by excited children, each one of whom got a present from the large bag next to him.

"I guess we do have a way after all," Jo said with a grin, winking at Fargo as he grinned back.

Dec. 14-Neal meeting Peter/El's extended family for the holidays-primarycolors92 

"Are you sure this is ok?" Neal asked for what seemed like the thousandth time, still standing outside Peter and El's open front door, a bottle of expensive champagne clutched in his hands.

"Neal, we would not have invited you for Christmas dinner if we didn't want you here," Peter assured him, gesturing inside. "Just don't take any of the silverware. At least not when anyone's looking," he deadpanned, his eyes twinkling as he looked at Neal.

"Ha ha ha," Neal said, good-naturedly rolling his eyes as he stepped inside. He was instantly met by a little boy, who gazed up at him in adoration.

"That's a really cool hat," the little boy said, eyes wide.

"Here, you can wear it," Neal said with a grin, rolling the hat off his fingers so it landed perfectly on the little boy's head. The little boy's eyes grew even wider, and he ran off excitedly towards his mother.

"Well you just earned the adoration of my godson," Peter said with a laugh as they walked into the busy kitchen.

"You told me he was gorgeous, but you didn't tell me he was this good-looking!" A voice came from the older woman near the sink, who was setting out glasses with El.

"Great, now you've inflated his ego even more Grandma," Peter said, giving her shoulders a squeeze as he passed her, El hurrying forward to hug Neal.

"All I'm saying is, he's sitting next to me at dinner," the woman added, lightly slapping Neal's behind as she slid past him. Neal stifled a laugh, then shrugged his shoulders at Peter and El, eyes twinkling as he reached over to grab the silverware and set it on the table.

cas, castiel, eureka, neal, fic, winchester, jo, elizabeth, jack, dean/castiel, supernatural, zoe, el, spn, sam, destiel, fargo, dean, fic advent calendar, allison, peter, white collar

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