(no subject)

Apr 15, 2010 21:22

Student teaching today was just...so amazing. It was one of those days where it just reconfirms that I have completely made the right choice in being an early childhood teacher. It was a simple day, but it was just so great.

I wore a dress the kids hadn't seen before, and they spent the whole day telling me how pretty I looked and pointing out specific things on my dress they liked. They love to bring me dandelions in the morning that they picked specially for me. They greet me with hugs and have stories they can't wait to share with me. They show me their paintings, and sing with me now that I'm leading morning circle, and want to sit with me and hold my hand. I get to teach them yoga every morning circle and they are so proud of the poses they can do now.

And then today was the day they got their spring pictures taken. The class picture was being taken outside, and so I helped get the kids lined up and then stood off to the side, out of the picture. And my cooperating teacher called me over and told me to get in the picture, because "I'm a part of their classroom". I seriously got teary. I can't even begin to explain how much that meant to me. So I am now in the class pictures for both the AM and PM Preschool for All classes. Just thinking about it gets me teary.

I also just wanted to say a HUGE thanks to everyone who left me hugs, current and future friends alike. You all are amazing <3 <3 I'm sending a million hugs back your way!

In Supernatural news
I find it awesomely hilarious that Kripke apparently reads LJ and watches fanvids, as he just handed this episode over to us Destiel shippers lol, with such classic lines as "Cas, the last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid" and "Blow me Cas".

But the best part...that ending...that scene between Sam and Dean in the Impala is what I've been waiting for. From the moment Dean stared into Sam's eyes and winked to him saying he has faith in Sammy and that smile on Sam's face...a perfect 100th episode.

real life, spn, student teaching, rl, destiel, supernatural

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