(no subject)

Mar 12, 2010 16:38

Borrowed from dragonsinger :
This is how it works. Whoever started this meme left five "clues," which were passed onto me via my flist. I've responded with the five stories that met the criteria of the clues. You can do so too, should you wish, and/or leave a clue for me. The clues can be anything from "Your favorite story" to "Story in which the most characters died" to "A story that includes both a threesome and a wrench."'

Please do leave me clues! I'd love to see what you and I can come up with :)

These are the original five clues:

1. Your story with the closest word count to 1,662 words.
The Strange Ways In Which We Meet, a Sam/Aurora (my Supernatural OC) story, with Dean playing a major role as well. It's 1,294 words.
2. Your story in the rarest fandom you write in.
I've never really written in a really rare fandom, but I guess The Pretender is the rarest one. So Defying Expectations, a Miss Parker drabble.

3. The longest story you've ever written.
Definitely The Roads That Lead to Destiny are Winding, my Jack/Matt (my Lost OC) story that is currently at 6 chapters and 6,077 words.

4. The story that's title starts with the last letter of your user name.
After Afterall-Kate/Claire drabble www.fanfiction.net/s/5804212/1/After_Afterall
Almost Becomes Finally-Jack/Sawyer drabble www.fanfiction.net/s/5758053/1/Almost_Becomes_Finally
All Along-Kate/Sam (Lost/Supernatural) drabble www.fanfiction.net/s/5758012/1/All_Along

5. Story written for your favorite prompt you've ever gotten.
I honestly don't know for this one, I've loved all the prompts I've gotten.

meme, fanfiction, clues

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