You donate, I write

Jan 18, 2010 13:47

Hey everyone!

So my AMAZING friend stamay680 decided to do this, and I thought it was an amazing idea and jumped on board.

For every $1 you donate to Artists for Peace and Justice I will write you 100 words. $5 will jump you straight to 1000 words, $10 straight to 2,000 words, etc. You can see examples of my writing on my LJ :)

This organization has already worked in Haiti for a long time, and they know the people and the language. Your money can help them continue to help.

Fandoms I write:
Grey's Anatomy
Sherlock Holmes (movie)
Lie to Me
Veronica Mars
General Hospital
Harper's Island

I'll do any pairings (except incest and underage/overage pairings-which includes student/teacher romantically, though I'll totally write them as friends). I also will do crossovers between any of these shows. I write slash and femslash. I also love writing friendship.

If you want one, just post, let me know what you want, and send me proof of your donation-you can just forward me your confirmation e-mail-send it to If you are uncomfortable with me knowing your name, just black out everything but your first and last initial).

I will write as many of these as people want :)

psych, grey's anatomy, alias, lost, fastlane, general hospital, leverage, lie to me, bones, sherlock holmes, harper's island, glee, supernatural

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