Help Young Chicago Authors: Fandom Auction

Jul 23, 2011 18:36

This is a community set up to run a fandom auction for Young Chicago Authors, a program whose mission is to "transform the lives of young people by cultivating their voices through writing, publication, and performance education.". Young Chicago Authors is a non-profit organization that truly changes lives, bringing together young people from all over the city and suburbs, and helping them to find their own voice. More specifics can be found on the website here:

I am an alum of this program, as is my brother. And this organization is in serious trouble, due to lack of funding. This organization means so much to me, and to so many people, that to see it go under would break my heart. Right now they only have enough money to make it through November. Any little bit can and will help.

This auction will run for three weeks, until August 16th.

As of now, I am the only mod for this auction, and as this is my first auction, I would love any help people can give. If you're interested in being a co-mod, please let me know.

Also, huge thanks to help_japan , from whom I have borrowed their wonderful rules and coding.

I have some offers up, and if other people could offer, and/or make bids, it would mean so much to me. In this economy, every little bit really does help. If you could advertise this on your journals too, that would be incredible.

Real life update-I've been away for a week on a family trip to Michigan, which was wonderful-so relaxing. I'm back til Thursday, when I leave to visit my brother in Seattle for a week. I'm catching up on my flist, and I'm so sorry for all the birthdays I missed-happy birthday to all!!

Edited: here is an example of a program YCA started:

image Click to view

artistry, arts, fandom, yca, audio, graphics, fandom auction, everything else, young chicago authors, auction, words, requests, offers, bids

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