Oh fuck you LJ

Jan 23, 2013 20:48

Apparently they randomly deleted two of the comms I mod that weren't very active. I don't know when this happened; I know they were purging comms a few years ago but I'm certain I remember making sure that didn't happen to any of mine. :/ And I didn't notice until now because the names are still showing normal on my profile page and in my "work as" dropdown and everything and they never sent me any notification or anything. But when I click the link it redirects both of them to something called thecommunity which is clearly a redirect for all purged comms or something (it's titled [renamed acct]). :/ :/ :( :( grrrrrr

RIP _finder_ and _revolution_.

EDIT: Wait what... Now I click on them and they work! Was this a temporary glitch? A hack? WHAT IS GOING ON???

I am so confused. Why is LJ all broken. But if they weren't deleted that is good!

DÉJÀ EDIT: And gone again, and back again, and... I think LJ is just glitching. :/ (Yeah, glitching hardcore, because when it redirected me to thecommunity it had no entries, but when I click that link now it has loads of entries. And a different creation date and everything.)

This entry was originally posted at http://ciaan.dreamwidth.org/70349.html. Please comment here or there.
comments there.

lj shenanigans

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