Birthday party and beta request

Sep 24, 2012 16:42

First, my birthday party is soon! Saturday, October 6, at my house, precise time yet to be determined. Pencil it in, yo! Theme: "I'm not in Europe or Japan."

Next, I need a beta for my marvel_bang fic! It is the X-Men First Class/Darkover crossover fusion AU thing, about 11,000 words (yes, I know, Big Bangs get shorter all the time, kids these days), main pairing Charles/Erik, subsidiary pairings rather all over the place, translates XMFC characters and plot to Darkover, does a bit of pastiche of MZB's style, no explicit sex, both physical and psychic violence and gore, references to sexual assault, ummm, yeah, them's your warnings. I would actually like at least two betas: one who is not familiar with Darkover and can say "half this fic isn't even in English, it makes no sense, what are you talking about here wtf?" and one who is familiar with Darkover and can discuss what I've got right or wrong. (I am having some translation woes, everything from worrying I'm being anachronistic and dragging Rediscovery-era stuff into the Ages of Chaos, to gendering casta words, to worrying about people yelling at me because Erik is not Jewish, because look, it's Darkover, right, the only religious minority is the Cristoforos and trust me, THAT is what would be offensive.) So anyone who likes Charles/Erik and doesn't know Darkover and wants to read a feudal science-fantasy AU thing, please volunteer! And anyone who does know Darkover and maybe also knows XMFC hopefully or if you don't is willing to read what would basically be OC fic and talk to me about the development of the Alton Gift, please volunteer! (Yes, his special psychic power is that he can mindrape you and kill you with his brain.) I have been putting a lot of thought and effort into figuring all this out, but so far I haven't found anyone who wants to talk about it all and can, and final drafts are due in a month and I know only about 3 people will read it once I post it but I really like what I'm doing but I don't know if it makes sense to anyone who's not me and I need a lot of handholding and you've got a month to beta it, please please please volunteer. Yes, I am desperate.

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darkover, x-men, help, marvel, party, writting iz hard

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