I started reading it last week and I am really liking it so far! I like the writing, the art, the characters, the little meta jokes, the demographics, the premise, the interrelationships, pretty much everything. I also like that it is clearly set in the Marvel universe but is fairly standalone, as I do not know much about the Marvel universe yet (indeed it feels more like an indie comic that is commenting on the superhero genre than like an actual superhero comic, I mean it feels like a normal real comic to me, not like all this wtf why am I reading superhero stuff I've been feeling (yes, indie comics are normal real comics and superhero comics are a weird outlier to me, a lot of the stuff I'm liking about Runaways (like the kids looking like their parents and the girls having varied body types) I would take for granted in a normal indie comic, and yet I am surprised and impressed by it being the case in something from The Big 2 (holy shit I really have had my standards lowered by reading this stuff for a year, haven't I? *facepalm* (fuck you Dan "we only hire the best" DiDio)))).
I bought the first TPB last week on Thursday evening (because I am actually going to the comic store weekly to pick up some of the new DCnU #1s this month, which is not really the best life choice). I finished it Friday on the bus on my way home from work, and then was really sad that I had to wait a whole week to read more. Which, if you have any idea how dead my sense of suspense is, says a lot. I frequently just stop reading things if I'm interrupted for a while in the middle of them, because my need to know "what happens next" has been mostly killed. Then on Wednesday I went back to the comic store, and this time I bought two TPBs, so that I would have more to read.
So I finished another TPB last night and went to start the next one, and that was when I discovered that I had not bought TPB #2 and TPB #3, as I thought, because apparently in the 8 years the comic has been running it's been renumbered TWICE and is on volume 3 now. Dear Marvel: I really appreciate that the back of the TPB says which issue numbers it collects but it would be super nice if you would indicate that there have been multiple volumes, so that I know (for example) which issue #11 I'm getting! Cue much wailing and gnashing of teeth. The upshot of which is, I had to set aside the other book I bought and now I need to wait a week AGAIN to read more.
Apparently the first volume, 18 issues of it, is all written by Brian K. Vaughan, who I haven't read anything by before, to the best of my recollection, but I am liking his stuff here. And then it is written by some other people later, the other TPB I bought is by a woman I am unfamiliar with, some of it is by Joss Whedon (I hear his run is maybe not as good?) and then some of it is by Terry Moore. I really loved Strangers In Paradise, so I am looking forward to seeing what Terry Moore does here and how he handles pre-established characters.
So, uh, no spoilers please, but I am totally on the bandwagon of the Runaways at the moment. Reading through the DCnU #1s is kinda feeling like a chore now, a lot of it I am just doing so I know for sure, but can it please be Wednesday already so I can get more Runaways?
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