20 Days Of Vids meme resurrected

Jul 12, 2011 09:36

Waaaaay back in the day I started answering the 20 Days Of Vids meme questions, and then didn't come anywhere near finishing them. I am now going to resume answering those! You can find my previous answers under the vidding tag.

Day 8 - A vid you had to watch multiple times to understand

I can't actually think of any vids that I didn't feel I got until I'd watched them multiple times (though there's always more to find every time you rewatch something), so instead I'm listing a vid that I've watched multiple times and still don't get.

Us by lim (multifandom)

When this vid was first posted it was an instant and major hit. I watched it after seeing about a dozen recs in a row on my friendspage. All of them said this vid is so happy! and joyful! and full of squee! such a wonderful celebration of how fandom is awesome! and creative! and squee! And yes, I can understand the argument the vid is making. It's really well edited, with amazing effects, very pretty and very creative and very smart and all that. But dude, this vid feels so sad and claustrophobic and depressing to me.

Mostly it's the song, which I had never heard before I saw this vid. The singer's voice just seems pained and sad, and it's full of violins, which are always tragic. But it's also kinda the scratchy greyness of the visual effects. This vid just makes me feel like it's about a world where things suck really bad and no matter how hard you try to escape to somewhere better you just can't get out. And I'm willing to admit I'm in the wrong if 99% of people think it's a joyful celebration, but I still can't feel that. And I've tried. I've watched this vid multiple times. I've watched it with no sound to see if that made a difference. I've watched it at cons and discussed it with people. I've read analyses of it. I've read the vidder's own discussion of making the vid. Nothing changes it.

So yeah, joyful celebration, I still do not feel it, I do not hear it, I just don't get it. :(

Day 9 - A vid that makes you cry

Now after talking about a vid that makes me sad in a bad way, I'll talk about some that make me sad in a good way. Ones that make me cry and I love them for that.

Pet by linzeestyle - Smallville, Lex, Lionel, Clark/Lex. Lionel is an evil, evil father. Augh, this vid has gone offline since last time I checked! Come to my house and I will play it for you! (\o/ Now it's back!)

Emmanuel by sockkpuppett - Smallville, Lex, Clark/Lex. Lex worships Clark, and Clark fails to save him. And sadly this vid is not online anymore either! Come to my house and I will play it for you! But don't be like sansets who kicked me in the shin for making her cry with these two vids AFTER I TOLD HER THEY WOULD MAKE HER CRY.

Big City Life by halcyon_shift - Dark Angel, Max, ensemble. Summary of transgenic struggles. I'm not even sure why this one makes me cry every time, because it's hopeful too, it just always does.

And because so many of those were offline (whhhyyy???) a bonus.

Counting Bodies by millylicious - Angel The Series, Angel, Connor, Darla, bit of Cordelia. This is actually to a different remix of the same song as Pet, and the two versions of the song as well as the different characters and editing styles contribute to two different feels for the vids despite the same themes. Which is really fascinating and there could be a great vid show of vids that use the same song differently.

This entry was originally posted at http://ciaan.dreamwidth.org/45353.html. Please comment here or there.
comments there.

teh jossverse, vidding, smallville, recs, dark angel

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