The last episode or two left me dry-eyed, but we are now back to standard operating procedure of me tearing up something fierce.
Tyra! No, sweetiepie honeybunch darling, no, don't do it. I've been so happy for you and I totally am worried you will throw away your future for some stupid guy. Come back!
Tim and Jason! I gotta say, that was just about perfect. Jason being a sports agent is an awesome idea, I think he will be so good at it and I'm so glad. And yet oh! That last scene nailed it, that shot of Tim's face caught between pride and heartbreak, because damn. All those scenes of them together in the city were such a glorious swan song for their friendship, and I loved it all. Sigh sigh sigh.
So yes, it was perfect and beautiful and I may well rewatch bits of it this evening which I don't normally do.
However, I'm really curious as to whether they plan on bringing the show back next season? Because we have bid farewell to Smash and Jason already, and everyone else is a senior and will graduate, and so I don't know what they could do that would work well. I like Eric and Tami but somehow the thought of them and a new crop of kids leaves me bored, and the thought of the splintered storylines of the college years also leaves me bored.
(And I don't read FNL fic and I don't ship Jason and Tim that way, but I now have a desire to read fic about them jerking off together (like the one I wrote about Sam and Dean), which is just, you know, friends hanging out and maybe some porn or fantasy-talk about some woman and discussing of Jason's functioning and neither of them mentioning such subjects as Lyla (because not mentioning it would be the best tribute to the threesome vibe they get there) and argh, I don't know, help me out? Why brain why?)