SPX, the small and indie press comic con, is in Bethesda, Maryland on October 4 & 5. It's always great fun, everyone is friendly and accessible and loves to talk to you about their comics. (And, um, was I just assuming it was the weekend after that because it normally is, or did they actually change it at some point? Because now I have to integrate it into my birthday party plans. (What what what I don't see Carla on the exhibitor list! And I was planning on finally shelling out for some nice big original art from her! Aww, no Bent either. Well, I'm sure there will be some people I know.))
Top Shelf, a leading comics small press, is having a big sale, with some graphic novels as low as $3. (Personally I recommend Owly, it is super duper cute.)
And this
Superman pogostick made me LOL.