I got a prompt from
7timesfate for the Selfish Meme asking for Clex, snark, and pink clothes, which inspired me to write more of something I started ages ago.
Title: Pink Kryptonight
Summary: Pink kriptinite terns Clark into a Lanaa clone. He's scared to till his luver Lex abot his little problem. Can Lex and Clark cum back together and live happily 4evah in the big pink manshion? (summary by
strlingdragnfly for
svmadelyn's badfic challenge)
Rating: NC17!!!!!
Warnings: slash and PINK
Part One:
here Okay I didn't get quite enough reveiws on teh last part but my muse told me I had to continue it anyway! :P Then my kitty got sick and I had lots of homework form school and then I was offline for awhile while I went to rehab for sugar addictuon (A/N that means my parnets grounded me for eating too many Pixi Stix :P~~~~~) BUT! Now i am back and it si time for mroe of Pink Kyprtonight!!!!!
You probably don't remember where we were when we left of so I will tell you! ALos I think i am muchly a better writer now and I have been taking typing classes, also I am getting story beta now by my BFF sugerlovar73! So it shoudl be much better than the carp I wrote before. Oh, it hurts sometiems to see how young and foolish I was!
Anyhow, when we left off.... Clark had been tunred into a Lana clone by the PINK kraptonyte and he had left Lex becasue they ARGUED because clark stole pink Lex's shirt and Lex was mean because he didn't like Lana, so Clark went to Chole's house and she fed him icecream and they played with her kiten and watched bad comedys (A/N because that's what I did when my boyfriend dumped me) and now Les is sorry and he wants to get back together with Calrk. Also i might try writing lemons this time around!
So Clark is still wearing all PINK because he is still liek Lana, and so he annoys Chloe because she lived with Lana, but anyway they were sitting around eating chocolate icecream and Clark was crying because he is a big girl now. Then Lex walks in. "Clark don't cry" he says. "I love you." "I love you too Lex" says clark.
"That's a really cute kitten" Lex said.
"Thank you!" chloe answered snarkily, because Chloe is snarky. "She is really cute." (A/N Chloe's kitten looks just liek mine. Did you see the pictures I posted last week? Shes sooooo cute!!!)
Now my BFF sugerlovar73 says I need more sex! Lex and Clark kissed passionately. "Get a room, guys" CHloe huffed. Clark superspeed away back to their manshun. "Wow!" lex gasped as Clark sucked his cock deep into his throat (A/N I know that sounds like Clark is sucking his own cock but he really isn't! I just don't know how to writ lemons! He is sucking Les' cock!) "Clark your really fast!"
"And my parents are dead!" Clark cried, as Lex groaned becasue his erection of his turgid member was no longer being sucked. "I don't even remember them as much as Lana remebers hers, because she got to live with hers for three whole years and I was sent away ina spaceship when I was a baby and then my planet exploded an I'm the last of my people and I'm an alien and my parents don't love me!"
"Okay clark let's get this PINK clothes off you" Lex says. "Then you will feel better about your dead parents and we can go back to teh sex (A/N because you know Lex is obsessed with sex ;) So then Lex took the PINK shirt off Clark and causally through it back into his own laundry hamper becuase Lex is samrt like that. Clark tears off the rest of there clothes at superspeed. Then Clark wants Lex to fuck him becasue normally they do it teh other way around becaue Clark is taller but now Clark is a big girl so he wants Lex inside him.
They don't have to use a lube or condoms because Clark is an alein and can't be hurt and also I've read that it's hotter that way, and now Lex knows it. So Lex is fucking Clark and hes just like "oh my god Calrk you are so hot this is so hot I love you and I love having alien sex with you because you have superpowers and now that I know that it is so much even hotter."
"I love you too Lex," said Clark.
"You guys are so lame" snarked Chloe. "Don't you know how lame you are? Get a room."
"We have a room, in my manshin." Said Lex. "And if you don't leave it now, I will have you killed."
"OH GOD" Clark said because Lex was fucking him and he hit his prostrate and it felt so good.
Chloe shrugs. "My bad" she saidd and left. (A/N I just like Chloe and I wanted her too be in the story more. Her kitten is cute because it looks just like mine.)
So Lex is fucking clark and Clark likes it and then they both come together like MAGIC and the power of there love saves Clark and turns him back form being a Lana clone also the PINK kriptonight had worn off but I prefer the other reason because it is SOOOO romantic! Clex forevah!!!!
Then they lived happily ever after and had lots more hot sex the end and if I get lots and lots of feedback I might write a sequel. Clark never wore PINK again but Lex totally did sometimes. The End. I suck at lemons and endings so you need to leave lots of feedback so I can write more! Pleeeeze? :)
And sugerlovar73 I hoep you liked this!!11111!!!67 *luff*